Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bill Newman - The Ten Laws of Leadership

Bill Newman - The Ten Laws of Leadership

Mr Bill Newman is a distinguished Austrailian speaker. Since 1978 he has addressed audiences of thousands across Australia and around the world. Mr. Newman understands the needs of human hearts. He addresses the needs of the individual, the family and society. He speaks with compassion and yet is objective. His ability to communicat is such that people of all ages and walks of life readily listen to and find hope in his message. Bill Newman is currently heard on more than 50 radio stations across Australia. In conjuction with television networks he has producted several special TV programes and is also the author of a number of books. He contributes regularly in Australian newspapers under the heading : "Bill Newman Speaks". In His work with Church and Civic leaders he has become a highly respected national statesman. He is honored by the endorsement of Prime Ministers, Government leaders and Civic Authorities for his positive contribution to society. A family man, he lives in Queensland with his Wife Dorothy and their two sons, Ben and Luke.

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