Sunday, May 30, 2010

Adam Nichols - The Pathless Way

The Pathless Way is a mysterious calling that few hear and fewer still understand. Lone survivor of the Sea Wolves' attack on Riverdale, Reeve becomes crazed with grief. Yet he is Riverdale's only hope and he sees that there is a lot a follower of the Pathless Way might do to gain revenge.

In a land of dark forests and strange magic a hero is born…
The Pathless Way is a mysterious calling that few hear and fewer still understand. But those who adhere to the teachings of the Closter can make black white and solid ground behave like running water.
Lone survivor of the Sea Wolves' attack on Reeve Vale Reeve Guthrie Garthson becomes crazed with grief. But as Peeve Vale's heir apparent Guthrie is its only hope. As he wanders the woods with the Closterer Abbod's head in his arms this hope seems misplaced, but there is a lot a follower of the Pathless Way might do to gain revenge.

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